We reviewed calculations on statistics of COVID and reviewed news events. Despite these calculations, a discussion on the lack of emphasis in supporting our own immune system seems to be minimized in the media with an over emphasis on vaccination and the discord in our society regarding this issue. A review of immune support techniques we again reviewed along with newer techniques such as the use of horseradish providing an effective relief in sinus and respiratory symptoms. A review on BioEnergetics and its role in supporting health and the immune system was also again reviewed, bringing a higher energetic frequency that supports mental, physical and emotional health and healing. A discussion on how those lower vibrational frequencies tend to become embedded in one’e tissues as well as in your physical dwelling resulting in oscillating looped patterns of ill thinking and ill health, all resonating in a similar frequency as we see in the law of attraction, resulting in repeated patterns we have trouble breaking free from. Whole’spnsibility and Quantum Light Property Clearing was discussed as effective ways to break this cycle.
A discussion on the confusion from our media on data regarding the pandemic and emphasis was discussed for everyone taking responsibility doing their research and calculations since all have the ability to gather their own national statistics based on available governmental sites rather than just relying on media. Calculations should then be compared to statistics of chronic illnesses such as Heart disease, Diabetes and cancer. The results are quite surprising and significant. Emphasis was also made on the rapidly changing information through the media. A discussion on co-morbidity being a risk factor for COVID and a review on inflammation as a culprit to chronic illnesses which puts one at risk for becoming ill with the coronavirus. Supporting your immune system was again emphasized through food, tools to support your BioEnergetic Field including DNA salts, using Ionic Silver spray, raising your energetic landscape through Whole’sponsibility and Quantum Light Property Clearing. Giving reverence and gratitude to our food, our spaces and our lives as an additional way to elevate your vibration and support your immune system. Our bodies are amazing and have the ability to heal just about anything as long as it is supplied with the proper nutrients, tools and practices.
The discussion was more focused around the pandemic and how a majority of people who suffer from COVID 19 tend to have co-morbidity (ie. Diabetes, Heart Disease, Auto-immune disease) and the importance in supporting our own immune system being our responsibility in taking care of ourselves. Nutritional support was again shared starting with daily nutrition and its benefits: (Eating Cultured Veggies, drinking Kombucha, Drinking bone Broth, Eating fresh garlic, drink Sun & Sea Coffee, an alkaline coffee for those coffee drinkers); the use of Ionic Silver (reviewing its natural anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral effects); raising the energy of your space using tools such as Whole’spnsibilty. Other tools were shared such as the use of ozone therapy which can be done at home (but with caution), Essential oils such as the use of Oregano essential oil along with Homeopathics that are common alternatives supporting the immune system. The emphasis on keeping your energetic landscape clear was also discussed in supporting your immune system.
A discussion on how fear has created a significant role in stress within society and has played a role that compromises the immune system and how the media, along with discussions with family and friends are affecting our overall energy, mental and physical health. Discussion on the media reporting the increase in the natural disasters occurring, hurricanes, volcano’s forest fires, building collapses, etc. are all adding overall stress to our society and to mankind as a whole, draining our energy and has created an added effect on our mind, body and spirit. The emphasis of supporting our energy with tools previously mentioned (Epsom and DNA salt, nutrition, using essential oils, sacred wood assisting in raising one’s vibration) with shared experiences in the audience of the benefits of these tools. Clearing the energetic landscape (space) utilizing the tool Quantum Light Property Clearing was also discussed with shared experiences of the peace and calmness that developed, the dissolving of ill circumstances in their lives, the understanding and resolution of malfunctioning of their home and appliances that occurred after their space was cleared. (Podcast SUNCAST given by Of The Sun was also shared providing greater understanding and numerous stories on the benefit of this type of clearing which can be found in the media section of this website).
Discussed the dissension on one’s choice to decide whether to be vaccinated or unvaccinated with a discussion on how everyone is dealing with the pressures from the media, friends, family and personal on their personal choice. An emphasis was raised on maintaining an elevated vibration to support their mental and physical health and how this supports their immune system. A clear mind results in a clear body and ways to support this were again discussed which includes nutritional support with cultured veggies, kombucha, the clearing of your energetic field through the regular practice of salt baths (Epsom with Energetically enhanced DNA salt) and a brief discussion on the utilization of Quantum Light Property clearing as a way to clear those lower vibrational energetic fields in one space that does not support healing. A clear space and a clear mind supports health. The concept of The Divine Feminine was briefly discussed and brought forward by LaOta Rassoull from an article where she was interviewed on this concept of how it will provide correction and balance. The discussion on Water was also discussed as a carrier of imprinted information that has been shown to support healing in many aspects of our lives, especially as humans we are made up of 70% water. The book “Hidden Messages of Water '' by Dr. Masaru Emoto and his experiments were mentioned with concepts from his book supporting water as a carrier of information.
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